
Forest Capital is a consultancy firm that specialises in identifying investment opportunities. Forest Capital is not regulated by the FCA and does not provide investment, tax or pension advice. We strongly encourage you to consult an FCA registered Independent Financial Adviser (IFA) before committing to any venture.

Buying Investments can involve risk. The value of your Investments and the income from them can go down as well as up and is not guaranteed at any time. You may get back less than you originally invested and in some circumstances, lose all of the value of your investment. Information on past performance is not an indicator for future performance.

Any Information provided does not constitute in any jurisdiction an offer to buy or sell any interest, any investment product or any asset class mentioned, or any other security or instrument or to participate in any investment strategy, neither is it a solicitation of any such offer to buy or sell in any jurisdiction. This website and the information on it is published solely for informational purposes and has no regard to the specific investment objectives, financial situation or particular needs of any person and is not to be considered as advice tailored to your personal circumstances. Some investments and products described are less readily realisable than others, are difficult to deal in and it may be difficult to obtain reliable information about their value.

Any information provided is not intended to constitute, and should not be construed as, investment advice. Potential investors in and anyone interested in the products that are described, or referred to, should seek their own independent financial advice from an FCA authorised person before considering any investment. The information and material contained on the Site are the copyright of Forest Capital Ltd. Nothing on the Site shall be interpreted as granting any licence to use any image, trademark, logo or service mark on the Site. Copying or downloading material from the Site does not transfer title to any material on the Site to you. Anything transmitted to the Site by you becomes the property of Forest Capital Ltd and may be used by us for any lawful purpose. Forest Capital Ltd reserves all rights with respect to copyright and trademark ownership of all material on the Site, and will enforce such rights to the full extent of the law.
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